live jazz van de belangrijkste jazzpodia


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di 30 april 2024 19:30
Dit concert heeft reeds plaatsgevonden
Adres: Telegraafstraat 62 - Tilburg


Op dinsdagavonden vindt wekelijks de gratis toegankelijke jazzsessie plaats. De avond wordt geopend met een concert van een uur door een vaste groep. Daarna is de sessie ‘open’ en spelen professionele muzikanten en conservatoriumstudenten repertoire dat ter plekke wordt afgesproken of ontstaat. Stap vooral eens binnen om gevestigde namen en de jazzmuzikanten van de toekomst te horen in een informele setting.
ALENA SHUThe session leader this week is Alena Shu, who is a jazz pianist, composer, and singer from Russia, currently based in the Netherlands and studying for her Master’s degree at Fontys Academy of the Arts. Alena will open the evening with a mini-concert, presenting her original music.
Alena’s musical leitmotif is about breaking borders, exploring the world, and experiencing personal transformations. The center of her creative activity is her musical project Inner DeLight for which she writes poetry and composes music which gathered influences from different cultures.
Along with Andrés Ignacio Hühner on bass and Hein Stinesen on drums the trio will perform instrumental pieces in minimalistic arrangements based on contemporary jazz and combining such musical veins as echoes of Bach’s polyphony, and Azerbaijani mugham. The continuation of instrumental music are Alena’s original songs for which guitarist Darius Koszewski will join the band to perform.
Just imagine: Alena lived her entire life in a Russian Ural city, and then, out of the blue, she moved to the Netherlands. Coming from a rather strict school of musical education, she found herself in the heart of Europe in the context of the large international community, where there are virtually no borders of expression. Alena soaked up bits and pieces from all over the world and found her own twist, creating the voice that is both familiar and refreshingly new.
Alena started her music career in Russia, where worked extensively with orchestras, big bands, and ensembles. Alena’s identity as a singer-songwriter has unfolded throughout her life from a very young age when her favorite game was to play the piano and sing for her toys. During the COVID pandemic, she started to write her own songs. From that very moment, she is opening her creativity and simultaneously worked on developing her solo music career as a pianist and singer
Alena Shu piano vocals, Andrés Ignacio Hühner bas, Hein Stinesen drums,** Darius Koszewski** guitar
Na dit concert gaat de sessie ook open voor andere aanwezige muzikanten. dus pak je instrument, kom naar Paradox en stap dat podium op. Want wat is er leuker dan muziek luisteren? Zelf muziek maken natuurlijk! De entree is geheel gratis.