Drie sleutelfiguren uit de internationale experimentele en geïmproviseerde muziekscene, komen in september 2024 samen voor een unieke reeks concerten in Engeland, Frankrijk, België en Nederland. Paul Lytton is al sinds de jaren ’60 een centrale figuur in de Engelse jazz-scene. Vandemark en Wooley, beiden afkomstig uit Chicago, behoren tot de top van de avant-garde musici in de VS.De groep tourde in 2022 en 2023 door de VS en Europa met festivaloptredens in Belgrado, Stockholm en België. Vandermark en Wooley werken al bijna tien jaar als duo en heeft samen drie veelgeprezen albums uitgebracht. Als trio met Paul Lytton toerden ze door zowel de Verenigde Staten als Europa,. In 2012 brachten ze een album met triomateriaal uit als onderdeel van de dubbel-cd The Nows. De komende tournee van het trio door Europa zal een uiterst zeldzame kans zijn om Paul Lytton te horen. Zijn geschiedenis verbonden aan geïmproviseerde muziek is legendarisch en deze samenwerking met Vandermark en Wooley , twee van de belangrijkste vooruitstrevende muzikanten van hun generaties, zal wederom van uitzonderlijke allure zijn.Paul Lytton, a central figure in the British free improvisation movement of the 1960s and 70s which included Derek Bailey, Evan Parker, and Paul Rutherford, was instrumental in reshaping the way drums and percussion were viewed in free music. He is one of a handful of percussionists from that time whose work allowed the drum kit to become even more free from the timekeeping constraints of jazz up to that point; the instrument becoming less a set of drums and more a series of membranes on which to create an atmosphere. His earliest experiments in homemade instruments and electronics with Evan Parker have spurred generations on to look outside systems with names such as “jazz” and “improv” and to explore new modes of communication in the moment.Ken Vandermark is an avant-garde composer, improviser, saxophonist/clarinetist, curator, writer; and was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in music 1999. He moved to Chicago from Boston in 1989 and has worked continuously from the early 1990s onward, both as a performer and organizer in North America, Europe, Latin America, Japan, and Ethiopia, recording in a large array of contexts, with many internationally renowned musicians. Nate Wooley’s solo playing has often been cited as being a part of an international revolution in improvised trumpet and has gathered international acclaim. Time Out New York has called him “an iconoclastic trumpeter”, and Dave Douglas has said, “Nate Wooley is one of the most interesting and unusual trumpet players living today, and that is without hyperbole”. His collaborative work as a composer has been celebrated by critics and has received grants from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts and the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation.